Meet Poreč Urban Squirrels – Our Beloved Forest Pets!
Poreč squirrels are our cherished forest pets and dear furry friends. We socialize with and care for them daily across five different territories within the tourist settlements of Galijot and Bellevue, at the entrance to Poreč. Their numbers range from thirty to fifty, contributing to a lively dynamic typical of natural environments.
Additionally, we have initiated the project "Lend a Hand to Nature" aimed at the repopulation of squirrels within Poreč itself, focusing on four locations: the forest between the Hospital and the Center for Social Welfare, Bakina šumica, Naftaplin, and Pical.
The gang at the restaurant
Koki Balboa
Meet the King of the Forest, a majestic alpha squirrel with a reddish-brown coat. He was the recognized leader of the gang at the restaurant—a cuddly yet daring creature known for his antics, playfully chasing tourists and begging for food like a circus performer.
We first encountered him in September 2019 as an adult. Sadly, he vanished on September 21, 2022, leaving behind three years filled with joy and gratitude. He had a fondness for almonds, peanuts, pine nuts, and apples, and boasted the most splendid tail among all his peers.
He and Maji were the first squirrels to approach us, marking the beginning of many enriching interactions with our forest friends.
Nicknamed Balboa, he was a fighter, often seen defending his territory from other squirrels. Tragically, his battles with crows and other animals led to multiple injuries and ultimately his demise.
Squirrel Vjeka video
Koki's beloved life partner is a gentle, yet timid squirrel, distinguished by her shiny black coat. Together, they had many offspring. Since Koki's disappearance, she has undergone a dramatic change in character, becoming "dangerous"—she now chases away other squirrels and vigilantly guards the territory she once shared with Koki.
Months have passed since Koki vanished, yet she has not found another partner. She continues to grieve, leading a solitary life. Although she still mates and has babies, she remains alone.
Vjeka's sister. They were always together. A stunning "model squirrel" who loved to be photographed, she was always ready to pose. She would happily come into our laps to eat. Her coat was a brilliant black. When she was young, we called her Shy One, as it took her months to come closer than a meter to us. She disappeared in the middle of summer 2022.
Vjeverice "Tri prasićka" video
The Three Little Pigs
The adorable trio of squirrels, initially spotted as babies with patchy fur, were fondly named "The Three Little Pigs." As they matured, they developed beautiful dark brown to black coats. They used to come and feed directly from our hands. Unfortunately, they disappeared in the summer of 2022.
Vjeverac Sivko Restoranko video
Sivko Restoranko
Meet the charming dark gray-brown squirrel, often found perching on the wall near the restaurant. This brave little creature boldly confronts crows, seagulls, and doves, staunchly defending his territory and food instead of fleeing. While most squirrels retreat from such predators, he does not! He earned the nickname "Restoranko" as he's always lingering around the restaurant. Sadly, he disappeared in the spring of 2023. Sivko in Croatian means Grey one.
Vjeverac Koki junior video
Koki Junior
A descendant of Koki, with whom we had a wonderful bond. He had a reddish-brown coat, just like his father. Sadly, he disappeared in the middle of summer 2022.
The last daughter of Koki. She resembled her father in both appearance and behavior—a true spitting image. She stayed by her mother’s side near the restaurant after Koki disappeared.
She brightened our days daily, just like her father… Sadly, she vanished in January 2024.
Vjeverica Mimi video
Vjeka's beautiful daughter, sporting a dark brown-black coat with lustrous, thick fur and a bushy tail. She shares her territory with Mrkvica and Maya Ginger, with whom she enjoys spending time.
Vjeverica Mini Kokolina video
Mini Kokolina
Koki's adorable daughter, a spitting image of her father. Tragically, her life was cut short at around 3 months old when she was killed by a dog.
Gurko is a "batshit crazy" squirrel, exhibiting a mix of Koki’s and Sivko Agresivko’s traits. A true diva, he's always impatient and insists everything goes his way. He constantly pushes in, demands attention, and seeks interaction, fittingly earning the name Gurko, which means "Pushy" in Croatian—the one who pushes. Born in the spring of 2023 to Shiny and Maji, he was affectionately called Uško as a youngster, as his ears were the last among his siblings to develop.
Leo is a stunning alpha male. He is Gurko's brother and the son of Shiny and Maji, born in the spring of 2023.
Ajna is a beautiful little daughter of Maya Ginger, born in the summer of 2023.
In spring and summer, there are always plenty of new babies; some unfortunately perish, while others move to different territories. Those who stay longer than six months are given names.
The gang at the volleyball court
Vjeverac Maji video
Our darling! The oldest and most loyal forest friend. A true charmer with a lovely reddish-brown coat. Since Koki's disappearance, he has assumed the role of alpha squirrel. He and Koki were best friends, always together, though they occasionally had their tussles. Despite his advancing years, he continues to lead the gang near the volleyball court. He is at least 7 years old.
Vjeverica Shiny video
She is Maji's love and life partner, named for her stunning shiny dark brown fur. A real cuddle bug, she is also a formidable fighter—brave and adept at keeping other squirrels off her territory. After Koki, she was the first squirrel to climb on us and come into our laps. When she was younger, we called her Ljutko (meaning angry one), as she was always protesting, getting angry, and raising alarms.
Vjeverica Mini Kokolina video
A beautiful dark brown squirrel with shiny fur. She is Shiny's sister and a true beauty, as her name suggests. She enjoyed eating from our laps and hands. The last time we saw her was at the end of summer 2022.
Sivko Mazljivko (The Cuddly One)
A small squirrelly love. This dark gray-brown squirrel adores cuddling, climbing on us, and eating while perched on our palms or shoulders. He enjoys being scratched and massaged. His territory is between the volleyball court and the restaurant. He is the son of Shiny and Maji. He disappeared in summer of 2022.
Vjeverica Mrvica video
Mrvica Fićo
Koki's sister. A charming reddish-brown squirrel who loved climbing on us and eating while sitting in our laps. While she was ill, we called her Bubi. The last time we saw her was in the middle of summer 2022. Her name means "little one."
Vjeverac Maji Maji video
Maji Maji
An adorable reddish-brown squirrel, the son of Maji and Shiny. He mirrors his father in both behavior and appearance. He relocated to another territory, but every few months, he returns to visit and greet us.
Vjeverac Alvin video
A very special, playful, and always cheerful squirrel, dark brown, almost black. He resides in the area between the volleyball court and the bench, and recently he's been spotted near the roundabout, flirting with Kokica. Unfortunately, he fell ill this winter and disappeared in February 2024.
Vjeverica Bebac Slatkiš video
Bebac Slatkiš (Sweety)
A sweet baby squirrel with a reddish-brown coat, the offspring of Shiny and Maji. Very sociable. We last saw him in December 2021.
Vjeverica Kaputić video
A baby squirrel, boasting rich, dark brown fur and a gorgeous, bushy tail that looks like a beautiful coat. This child of Belle exudes the appearance of wearing a splendid little coat. We last saw her in October 2022. Her charming name means "little coat."
Vjeverica Ruby video
The daughter of Maji and Bella, Ruby is Zubi’s contemporary and best friend. When Zubi passed away, Ruby stayed by our side, motionlessly watching over Zubi for half an hour as we said our goodbyes. She showed no interest in food or anything else, just silently observed Zubi. Although she comes very close to us, she has never taken food directly from our hands or gotten too close. The day after Zubi's burial, Ruby came up to us and sniffed us for a full 15 minutes, sensing Zubi's scent on us—a behavior unprecedented among the squirrels. We often encounter her near Zubi’s burial site. Ruby's behavior and her reddish-orange-light brown fur, unique only to her, make her very special. Since Zubi’s departure, she has always been alone. We believe they shared a nest, as they always descended from the same tree together.
Mrkvić Vila video
Mrkvić Vila (Carrot Fairy)
An adorable reddish-orange squirrel born in the summer of 2023, she is the daughter of Shiny and Maji. It seems Maji carries a strong "ginger" gene, as he has fathered several red babies before.
Pahuljica (Snow Flake)
She is a gentle squirrel born in the summer of 2024. She is the daughter of Maji and Shiny.
"Uljez" (Intruder)
A stunning adult red squirrel appeared at the beginning of 2024, around the mating season. He visits occasionally and then disappears again. We've affectionately nicknamed him "the intruder" since he was not seen before and suddenly appeared from nowhere. If he sticks around, we'll give him a nicer name. :-)
Baby Squirrels
In spring and summer, there are always plenty of new babies; some unfortunately perish, while others move to different territories. Those who stay longer than six months are given names.
The Gang at the Bench
Vjeverica Blackie video
The Boss - Queen of the Squirrel Forest. She is a formidable black squirrel, much larger than her peers—almost by a third of their size—leading us to speculate she might be of a different species, possibly Sciurus meridionalis or the Calabrian black squirrel, native to southern Italy’s regions of Calabria and Basilicata. Her presence at Galijot remains a mystery; we assume she might have been brought over by a guest.
She was deeply cherished and known for her love of pine nuts and sunflower seeds. One of the oldest squirrels alongside Maji, she had numerous offspring, including stunning black and red-orange squirrels. She was the mother of Zubić Vila, Sivko Agresivko, Nami Nimi, and many others. Her partner, Ginger, often kept her company, and despite their occasional skirmishes—both being alphas—, they shared a strong bond. Sadly, she succumbed to illness on March 16, 2024, at seven years old.
Vjeverac Ginger video
Tata Ginger (Papa Ginger)
An aristocrat among our squirrels, his origins are also a mystery, as his fur resembles that of squirrels found in Northern Europe and Russia. We suspect that he, or one of his ancestors, was brought here by a guest from the far north.
In the summer, his fur boasts a stunning orange-white hue, while in winter, it shifts to a light gray with orange accents. It took him seven months to trust us and start interacting; for those seven months, he watched us from the tops of pine trees before finally deciding to come down and take a peanut.
His behavior is markedly different from the other squirrels, as are his offspring's. He is very cautious and slow to trust, exhibiting graceful movements and an aristocratic demeanor. He and Blackie made an intriguing pair, both distinct from the typical local squirrels. Tragically, after Blackie fell ill, he disappeared.
Vjeverica Mama Ginger video
Mama Ginger
A stunning red-orange squirrel who entrusted us with her three ginger babies. All four were with us throughout the entire 2022 season. Sadly, by autumn, all four had disappeared, probably relocated.
Vjeverac Ginger Junior video
Ginger Junior
The first son of Ginger that we met. He was as handsome as his father. He stayed with us for about six months before he disappeared.
Vjeverice 3 Ginger bebe video
Ginger Babies
Three adorable babies of Mama and Papa Ginger, with whom we spent the entire 2022 season. Unfortunately, they disappeared along with their mother after that season.
Vjeverac Speedy video
A playful and incredibly fast squirrel, born to Blackie and Papa Ginger in the spring of 2023. He is very brave and curious, and was the first of the babies to approach us. Sadly, he disappeared in late autumn/winter of 2023.
Vjeverac Diego video
Speedy's brother, another son of Blackie and Ginger. He was born in the spring of 2023 along with a black sister Karmen. In the summer of 2023, Blackie had another litter, adding two black and two red siblings to their family. Unfortunately, Diego disappeared in early spring 2024.
Vjeverac Diego video
The sister of Speedy and Diego, and a daughter of Blackie and Ginger. She was born alongside her brothers in the spring of 2023. In the summer of 2023, Blackie gave birth again, adding two black and two red siblings to their family. Sadly, Karmen disappeared in early spring 2024.
Vjeverica Mini Kokolina video
Zubić Vila (Tooth Fairy)
Our beloved little treasure, an irreplaceable love. This precious dark brown, almost black squirrel was born on May 16, 2022, alongside four siblings. Their mother is Blackie, and their father, Ginger. Unfortunately, unlike her siblings, Zubi was born with a deformity—her tooth grew incorrectly, which prevented it from wearing down and led to overgrowth. Like our nails, a squirrel's teeth continuously grow, and if they become too long, it can ultimately be fatal.
Despite severe pain and the struggle of not being able to eat independently, she was a fierce fighter—battling for every bite and for life itself. No matter her troubles, she remained cheerful and endearing.
We did everything we could to ease the life of our dear little Fairy; we took her to the vet twice, but unfortunately, the infection that developed in her mouth and throat was too severe. Our dear Tooth Fairy passed away on January 19, 2023. We buried her next to her three sisters, hoping she's now joyfully scampering and munching on hazelnuts in a better place.
Vjeverica Nera video
Nera Imposter
Zubi's twin sister, bearing an identical appearance to her sibling Zubi. She earned the nickname "Imposter" because she often tried to deceive us by pretending to be Zubi in order to receive specially prepared food. Each day, we crumbled the food finely enough so that Zubi could eat It. Impressively, she is the sole survivor from their litter of five. Sadly, she disappeared in January 2024.
Vjeverica Mini Shiny video
Mini Shiny
Our deeply missed and beloved dark brown squirrel, similar in color to her mother Shiny, was both brave and gentle, and enjoyed spending time with us. She loved to be cuddled, was very courageous, and often happily sat in our laps to eat. Tragically, she did not even reach her first birthday before she was killed by a dog. She was the first squirrel we had to bury.
Vjeverica Nami Nimi video
Nami Nimi
A stunning black squirrel just like her mother, Blackie. She most closely resembles her mother in both looks and behavior out of all her siblings. She climbs on us, eats from our laps, and is always cheerful and playful. She has chosen Richie as her life partner.
Vjeverica Mini Kokolina video
An artistic soul with a bit of a clumsy air, he has specific, slow movements like his father, Maji, but can be very fast when needed. A cuddly creature, always ready for companionship. As a small baby, he amusingly tried to bury a walnut in concrete. He enjoys sitting on our laps while he eats. On one occasion, when he was still small and tourists approached to photograph him eating in our lap, he turned towards them and started making alarm sounds—essentially "yelling at them"—in an attempt to "defend" us. It was quite comical, so we nicknamed him Richard the Lionheart, and he has remained Richi.
In the meantime, he has grown into a beautiful squirrel and has found his life partner in Nami Nimi. His fur is a reddish-brown, just like his father, Maji.
Vjeverica Kokolina video
Koki's daughter, who mirrors her father in behavior and appearance. A beautiful, gentle, and endearing reddish-brown squirrel, she enjoys climbing on us and eating in our laps. Sometimes, she delves into our bags or backpacks searching for a treat.
Since birth, she has had chronic inflammation in her right eye. Every few months, the sac beneath her eye becomes inflamed and infected, necessitating frequent treatment, which is not always easy. Squirrels bury their food with their heads, causing soil to constantly get into her eye. Her life partner was Sivko Flekica. Sadly, she passed away from her illness on March 30, 2024.
Vjeverac Sivko Flekica video
Sivko Flekica (Gray Spot)
Sivko Flekica, the son of Bella, is a dear dark brown-gray squirrel who enjoys sitting on a bench next to us while eating. He is distinctive for a white spot on his snout, which inspired his name. He loved spending time with Coccolina, sharing a nest with her. After her passing, he moved to a different territory.
Sivko Agresivko (Feasty One)
Affectionate and extremely tame, this dark brown, almost black squirrel is the son of Blackie. He was named "Agresivko" due to his unique behavior—for instance, grabbing my hand and not letting go, or not gently climbing onto me but instead jumping; sometimes he would even leap onto me from a tree at a distance.
He loved listening to singing. He always stood out and was truly special. The last time we saw him was on July 15, 2022.
Vjeverci braća Kokolino video
Kokolino Brothers
Coccolina's brothers. They were beautiful little squirrels with a reddish-brown hue. They stayed with us for about a year before they disappeared. They were very fond of eating and would often compete for our attention, such as who would sit in our laps first. They are named after their father Koki.
Vjeverac Marko video
A stunning black squirrel, brother to Zubi and Nera, and son of Blackie and Ginger. He was a reserved but affectionate squirrel who enjoyed spending time with us. Tragically, this summer (2023), he was killed by a dog that was not on a leash.
Vjeverac Mirko video
A beautiful young black squirrel, tame, sweet, and playful, still finding his place among the others. He often socializes with Coccolina and Sivko Flekica. He is the son of Belle and brother to Ruby. This past spring, he was hit by a car but, thankfully, survived without serious injuries, though he was in shock for three days.
Unfortunately, Mirko disappeared in March 2024.
Vjeverac Michi Richi video
Michi Richi
The son of Richi and Nami Nimi, this adorable little squirrel had a reddish-brown coat just like his father. He spent a few months with us, taking food right from our hands. Sadly, he disappeared in December 2022.
Vjeverac Boško video
A very special squirrel with a completely gray coat and a beautiful bushy tail. He was tame and enjoyed visiting us. He spent about a year with us before he disappeared. He was born in the summer of 2021.
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Bebac Hrabrić (Brave Little One)
The bravest little squirrel we've ever seen, with a reddish-brown coat just like his mother, Gricka. He was always found in the company of Blackie and other older squirrels, who would often chase and hit him, but he never backed down and bravely stood his ground, always returning. He had a very unique character, not seen every day. The last time we saw him was in December 2021.
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Beba Gricka
Another adorable baby, similar in color and behavior to her brother, Brave Little One. She disappeared around the same time as her brother. They were born in the spring of 2021.
Vjeverac Loris video
An incredibly cute squirrel, born in the summer of 2023. He is the son of mother Blackie and father Ginger. He was named after our mayor, as they formed a special bond when the mayor fed him.
Bebe vjeverice video
A Bunch of Babies
Blackie and Papa Ginger have had many babies each season. Alongside their offspring, there are also the babies of Richi and Nami Nimi. The image features Blackie's latest "Ginger baby," born in the summer of 2023, along with another red and three black babies.
The Fitness Park Gang
Vjeverica Maya Ginger video
Maya Ginger
Our top model! A unique beauty with a reddish-brown coat, she loves to be photographed. Although very cautious and shy, she shows remarkable bravery and speed when necessary. We've seen her attacking crows to protect her food. She has been delighting us for the third consecutive year. She was born in the spring of 2021.
Vjeverica Mini Kokolina video
Gricko (Biter)
A truly special black squirrel, he was named Biter because as a youngster, he liked to bite fingers. This behavior wasn't done with any malice. Squirrels often express their gratitude, trust, and affection by gently nibbling or licking your finger, but Biter took his display of affection further—he really enjoyed biting and specifically sought out fingers to bite. Over time, he grew into a magnificent alpha squirrel, slowly taking over Koki's territory since Koki was no longer around. He chose Mrkvica as his life partner.
Sadly, Biter also disappeared at the beginning of 2024.
Vjeverica Mrkvica video
Mrkvica (Carrotkin)
She resembles squirrels from Germany with her vivid orange-red color and has a beautiful bushy tail. She shares territory with Maya Ginger and spends most of her time with her partner, Biter. Initially very shy, it took her a long time to venture out for food, but now she's a fearless alpha, clearly establishing her dominance. She is truly special.
Since her Biter disappeared, she spends her time alone or in the company of Maya Ginger and Tik and Tok.
Vjeverica Sivka video
Sivka (Gray One)
She was our beloved forest friend with whom we enjoyed spending time. Dark brown and dark gray, she brought immense joy to our lives for two years until she tragically died after being attacked by a dog that was allowed to roam leash-free in the neighborhood. We buried her next to her sisters. She will forever remain in our hearts.
Vjeverac Tik video
Tik and Tok are the offspring of Maya Ginger and Biter. These beautiful black squirrels eagerly come to collect a hazelnut, walnut, or peanut.
Vjeverac Tok video
Tik and Tok are the offspring of Maya Ginger and Biter. These beautiful black squirrels eagerly come to collect a hazelnut, walnut, or peanut.
Vjeverica Gricka video
Gricka (Nibbler)
A reddish-brown squirrel who claims two territories—one at the entrance to Galijot and the other at the entrance to Bellevue. She is one of our earliest forest friends. What makes her special is not only that she eats from our laps, but she also likes to sneak into jacket pockets. On one occasion, she climbed onto my leg and tried to tear off a piece of my leggings, attracted by the material suitable for nest building!
Vjeverica Tina video
Nibbler's daughter, brave and tame like her mother, with a reddish-brown coat.
Vjeverac Tino video
Son of Nibbler, brother of Tina, a shy little squirrel with a reddish-brown hue, and a real sweetie.
Vjeverica Lina video
Beautiful little black squirrel, together with her brother and friends, she guards the entrance to Bellevue.
Vjeverac Lino video
Black young squirrel, brother of Lina.
Vjeverac Gino video
Adorably cute orange-red young squirrel. He often hangs out with Nibbler's children, as they are approximately the same age.
A Bunch of Babies
In spring and summer, there are always plenty of new babies; some unfortunately perish, while others move to different territories. Those who stay longer than six months are given names. The image features one of the babies born in the summer of 2023.
Bim, Bum i Bam
Bim, Bum, and Bam are three baby squirrels that were rescued on August 13 and 15, 2023, in front of the Home for the Elderly and Disabled in Poreč. We nurtured them, and when they reached 3 months old, we handed them over to the Zagreb Zoo as part of a squirrel reintroduction program in Croatia. It was cold, so they had to spend the winter under special conditions until spring, when they are due to be released into the wild in Đakovo Park. Learn more about them HERE.
Association for the Protection of Health,
Nature and Red Squirrels
We have been active since 2006.
© Health Center Harmony 2006-2024
NOTE: All information provided on this page is educational. For specific needs concerning squirrels, please consult a veterinarian or a wildlife protection center.
95% of the photos are taken by Conny & Dražen, with the remaining images by Graziella Mureta and Geert Weggen and licensed photos from Pixabay, Stock, and Shutterstock.